"Discover your desire and let it grow"
I believe that we are all connected in many ways and I´m so happy you are here!
I love living the feminine way, I love connecting to the Goddess and Mary Magdalene Energies and I love sharing this with as many women as possible.
It is my calling to move forward in this world with the divine feminine energy and it is my personal revolution from the heart.
It has been a while since the world saw the feminine energy in it´s fullest. I love the divine masculine but it can only exist in its purity if we women live the full divine feminine.
It´s time to discover again our true desires.
And it is time to live and grow from the heart, expand our energies in a spiral way rather than a pointed arrow and give the world the balance back which it so necessarily needs.
If you feel called to work with me I know we will have an amazing heart connection.
My Journey
As a child growing up in a small Austrian village surrounded by nature, I always felt very connected to the universe and spiritual beings.
Being a very creative person I started a career as an Artist and Designer.
In 2009 I moved from Austria to London where I worked as an interior Stylist.
During my time in U.K. I got the calling from Mary Magdalene and I finally connected deeper to my spiritual path and received my Reiki I & II initiation.
As I realised again how normal but also important it is for me to be connected to spiritual energies in all ways and forms I wanted to dive deeper and I started my training as an Angel Symbol Practitioner with Ingrid Auer in Austria.
In 2015 I moved to Palermo, Sicily.
Sicily is a place my life chose for me and I´m very grateful and happy as here I can feel passion and inspiration coming to me in unexpected ways!
Here I'm also able to deeply connect with the divine feminine, my creativity and my magical self.
I´m looking forward to welcome you in my circle of powerful, initiated women!