Loving February beautiful Goddess!
This month I can feel that we are asked to dive deep into our emotions. Our feminine emotions can be a catalyst for our power if we allow them, if we honor them and if we open up to them.
There is no need to be afraid of the deep emotions women can feel. This is how we transform and this is how we create.
The energies for February are connecting us to our heart and from our heart we can find the magical connection between heaven and earth.
Furthermore, the Goddesses want to show us our very personal path to our life plan. In this constellation, we are still asked to transform old beliefs and old patterns and open up to the new and unknown.
As February is also seen as the month of Love I´m not surprised the Goddess of Partnership is guiding us. Through her we can bring Balance and Harmony in all our relationships.
It is a highly spiritual month, it is a time to listen and to learn to trust yourself and the people and spirits around you.
Kerelu´ka Goddess of SPIRITUALITY *
Lemurian Knowledge, Expansion of Consciousness, Increase of Vibrational Frequency, Sensitivity, Mediality, Communication of the Heart, Serenity, Connection to Heaven, Self-Reflection
Lakany´la Goddess of PARTNERSHIP *
Love in relationships, Giving and taking, Equality, Soul mate/Soul family, Recognition, Acceptance, Generosity, Honesty
Kyrilan´ka Goddess of SELF-DETERMINATION *
Life-plan, Self-responsibility, Authenticity, Zest for life, Self-confidence, Self-esteem, Self-reflection, Self-discovery, Natural authority
Sidiron´ha Goddess of TRANSFORMATION *
Increase in vibrational energy, DNA activation, Transformation process, Elevation of consciousness, Development, Mediality
* the beautiful Goddess Symbols I am using are from ©Ingrid Auer​
Affirmation for February
"I´m open for the unknown, I see with love and wisdom"
Love and Devine Feminine Abundance
P.S. Thank you to www.kellysugarcrafts.com for the beautiful February Calendar Wallpaper